About Us

As an agent of change, we are determined to make an imperative contribution towards strengthening the identity and visibility of those in need, by supporting them in their fight against their social imbalances.

We intend to make this impact this through 2 key areas of intervention.

  1. To support children, who lack access to basic necessities, such as food, clean water, sanitation, medicine, and providing books – We want to show them that there is hope.

    Every child deserves the best start in life. Rahul Memorial Foundation is an initiative that is aimed at working towards creating equitable opportunities for children to learn and grow with a view to long term sustainable change. To nurture children in areas that they need to stand on their own. We utilise our funds to offer food, clothes, and learning materials for the kids.

  2. To offer support to the destitute through old age homes

  3. We want to make a difference in securing and preserving the ideals of humanity with dedication, compassion, empathy and selfless service to those in their sunset years. To enable high standards in all aspects of care, every year we provide grocery, clothing, hygiene essentials and medical aid kit that includes generic medicine.

Mission :

We are determined to give underprivileged kids the world they truly deserve. To enrich their life experience with hope, strength and joy.

To create long-term solutions to poverty, hunger ….
To compassionately help the families meet the basic needs while in distress.
To protect and preserve the most fundamental act of humanity, by providing support for older adults. To ensure they remain respectful with grace, dignity and integrity in their journey of aging. We affirm the integrity of seniors by taking care of their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs.

History :

Rahul’s simple act of caring without expecting anything in return inspired me to start Rahul Memorial Foundation. He was an extraordinary child. He was indeed gifted with a unique personality. Be it academics, sports or creativity, he was exceptionally good. He had won accolades for participating in many competitions.
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