

Well, what makes me happy is that I can hear a voice reminding through the vista of time, saying: "It may not come today or tomorrow, but you will see it make a huge impact someday. The dream will certainly be fulfilled, as it is backed with such a strong desire to bring significant changes in peoples’ lives.

Rahul’s simple act of caring without expecting anything in return inspired me to start Rahul Memorial Foundation. He was an extraordinary child. He was indeed gifted with a unique personality. Be it academics, sports or creativity, he was exceptionally good. He had won accolades for participating in many competitions.

As a child, he was shy and soft spoken. What really took me by surprise is the care and responsibility he showed to his younger sister who was merely 2 years younger than him. He would help her in her studies at home, ensure she eats her food, and make her feel comfortable, while both his parents were working professionals.

He had a strong inclination to reading and grew up to become an avid reader at an early age of 10. He insisted on joining a library and read books of different genres, that enriched his knowledge in many subjects. Something really rare to witness in a person of his age.

He developed an interest in spiritual reading, and had read the Bhagavat Geeta and the Holy Bible. He would often discuss, the key takeaways from these religious texts. I strongly believe, reading them had given him a deep insight of life and after-life.

His biggest dream was to be part of the prestigious Indian Airforce. The fire to serve the nation ignited in him, while none from the family nor friends were into defence.


He started exploring on how one could make a career in the Armed Forces. He used to research on what attributes go into getting in there. I was enthralled by the breadth of his knowledge he had acquired in the military and defence space. He eventually ended up studying at the Sainik School and was in the process of pursuing his ambition to join NDA.

He would embrace any opportunity to help those in needy and would do everything thing possible in his capacity to make things better for others. He volunteered to assist 3 visually challenged students in preparing for IDIA exams for CLAT. His relentless efforts resulted in all three students securing high ranks. Today, it has made a significant difference in their lives and they are pursuing their careers in the field of law at top Law schools in India.

His motives behind helping people were selfless. He enjoyed knowing that he helped someone accomplish something that they may have not been able to do without his assistance. It gave him a great sense of satisfaction. This foundation is the best way to answer, what pursuits would give meaning to his dreams.

Together we can do so much